
These class­es are only to be accessed by the chil­dren who they are intend­ed for and are not trans­ferrable to oth­er fam­i­lies. Chil­dren must have under­tak­en a Tat­ty Bump­kin or Tat­ty Guroo ses­sion with one of the teach­ers before access­ing online con­tent. Please ensure that you have read and under­stood the terms and con­di­tions pri­or to com­menc­ing the video ses­sions and that you are eli­gi­ble to take part.

By join­ing and par­tic­i­pat­ing in our online Chil­dren Inspired by Yoga com­mu­ni­ty you are agree­ing to the fol­low­ing guide­lines. It’s vital to the health and well­be­ing of our chil­dren and com­mu­ni­ty that you do review them. We’ve kept every­thing pret­ty straight for­ward and free of legalese so it will only take a moment and you’ll know exact­ly what you’re agree­ing to. 

Thanks so much for join­ing us #bea­part­to­geth­er


The online ses­sion is only chil­dren who have already par­tic­i­pat­ed in a phys­i­cal or live streamed Tat­ty Bump­kin ses­sion. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, we are not insured for chil­dren e.g. sib­lings who have not par­tic­i­pat­ed in a phys­i­cal or live stream session. 


By par­tic­i­pat­ing in these Tat­ty Bump­kin Ltd online class­es (pre­re­cord­ed or streamed live) the par­ent gives full con­sent for my Baby and/​or Child and/​or Chil­dren to take part in the class and con­firm any­one par­tic­i­pat­ing in the online ses­sion is fit to do so and is in good health. 


Online Class(es) means all streamed or pre-record­ed class­es, that Tat­ty Bump­kin Ltd offer: includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to Baby Bump­kin or Tat­ty Bump­kin or Tat­ty Guroo or Yogaguroo class­es and workshops 

Par­ent means a par­ent or legal guardian of the Baby and/​or Child and/​or Chil­dren and who shall (if the Car­er is not the Par­ent) be respon­si­ble for com­pli­ance with these Terms and Con­di­tions by the Carer

Car­er means the per­son who is respon­si­ble for the Baby and/​or Child and/​or Chil­dren dur­ing a Tat­ty Bump­kin online Class (streamed or pre-recorded.) 

Baby means the baby tak­ing part in the online Baby Bump­kin class offered by Tat­ty Bump­kin Ltd

Child/​Children means the child or chil­dren tak­ing part in the online Tat­ty Bump­kin Ltd class who are known to the Tat­ty Bump­kin Ltd teacher. 

Par­ent and/​or Car­er obligations:

  • The Par­ent and/​or Car­er war­rants that if infor­ma­tion is sup­plied at point of par­tic­i­pa­tion, this is accu­rate and up to date and that if any of this infor­ma­tion changes the Tat­ty Bump­kin teacher is imme­di­ate­ly informed.
  • The Par­ent and/​or Car­er is respon­si­ble for ensur­ing them­selves, their Baby and/​or Child and/​or Chil­dren are phys­i­cal­ly fit to take part in the online class both ini­tial­ly and on an ongo­ing (week by week) basis. 
  • The Par­ent and/​or Car­er takes full respon­si­bil­i­ty for the Baby and/​or Child and/​or Chil­dren dur­ing an online class. 
  • The Par­ent and/​or Car­er acknowl­edges that they have been advised to con­sult with the Baby’s and/​or Child’s and/​or Children’s physi­cian with respect to any past or present injury, ill­ness, health prob­lem or any oth­er con­di­tion or med­ica­tion that may affect the Baby and/​or Child’s/Children’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in the online Classes.
  • If the Par­ent and/​or Car­er is par­tic­i­pat­ing in the online Class; they acknowl­edge that they have been advised to con­sult with their own physi­cian with respect to any past or present injury, ill­ness, health prob­lem or any oth­er con­di­tion or med­ica­tion that may affect their own par­tic­i­pa­tion in the online Classes.
  • By agree­ing to these Terms and Con­di­tions the Par­ent and/​or Car­er agrees to keep the con­tent of the Class­es con­fi­den­tial and not to use or copy or for­ward any aspect of the online Class direct­ly or indi­rect­ly for com­mer­cial gain i.e. by tak­ing screen shots or record­ing the session. 

Liability Disclaimer:

  • Tat­ty Bump­kin Class­es are fun and phys­i­cal, and every care is tak­en to ensure that the online Class­es are safe.
  • How­ev­er, Tat­ty Bump­kin and its Sup­pli­ers can­not accept respon­si­bil­i­ty for any injury suf­fered by the Baby and/​or Child and/​or Chil­dren and Par­ent and/​or Car­er by rea­son of hav­ing tak­en part in the online Class­es, which are under­tak­en entire­ly at the risk of the Par­ent and/​or Carer. 
  • The Class­es may involve move­ments that the Baby and/​or Child/​Children, Par­ent and/​or Car­er do not usu­al­ly make. Hence the Par­ent and/​or Car­er agrees that them­selves, and the Baby and/​or Child/​Children will be engag­ing in phys­i­cal activ­i­ties that may involve some risk of injury and the Par­ent and/​or Car­er assumes these risks.
  • There­fore, the Par­ent and/​or Car­er accepts full respon­si­bil­i­ty for the actions of the Baby and/​or Child/​Children dur­ing the online class and for any injury sus­tained by the Baby and/​or Child/​Children dur­ing and imme­di­ate­ly before and after the online Classes.
  • The Par­ent and/​or Car­er accepts respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure that whilst par­tic­i­pat­ing in online class­es they, their Baby and/​or Child/​Children will not exceed their phys­i­cal or men­tal limits. 
  • Tat­ty Bump­kin Ltd is not a med­ical organ­i­sa­tion and its teach­ers or staff can­not give Par­ent and/​or Car­er and Baby and/​or Child/​Children, med­ical advice or diag­no­sis. Noth­ing con­tained in the Tat­ty Bump­kin Ltd online ses­sion should be con­strued as any form of med­ical advice or diag­no­sis.
  • All sug­ges­tions and com­ments made by the Tat­ty Bump­kin teacher relat­ing to the use of props, pos­es, moves and instruc­tion are not required to be per­formed by Par­ent and/​or Car­er and Baby and/​or Child/​Children. These are car­ried out at their own election.
  • The Par­ent and/​or Car­er under­stand that their Baby and/​or Child/​Children needs to be ful­ly and close­ly super­vised at all times by a respon­si­ble adult whilst they are tak­ing part in online class. 
  • The Par­ent and/​or Car­er takes full respon­si­bil­i­ty for cre­at­ing a safe space’ for their Baby and/​or Child/​Children so they can take part in the online ses­sions safe­ly. The Par­ent and/​or Car­ers will ensure their Baby and/​or Child/​Children has access to a lev­el, slip-free ground, with ade­quate sur­round­ing space to com­plete the activ­i­ties, free from all obstruc­tions, sharp cor­ners or break­able objects.
  • The Par­ent and/​or Car­er takes full respon­si­bil­i­ty for any props they elect to use whilst they and their Baby and/​or Child/​Children are tak­ing part in the class. 
  • The Par­ent and/​or Car­er will ensure any props used are appro­pri­ate and safe for their Baby and/​or Child/​Children e.g. they do not present a chok­ing or stran­gu­la­tion hazard. 
  • The Par­ent and/​or Car­er dis­charges, and holds harm­less Tat­ty Bump­kin Ltd, its own­ers, offi­cers and per­son­nel includ­ing its fran­chisees, teach­ers and its sup­pli­ers for any lia­bil­i­ty aris­ing from any injury to them­selves, their Baby and/​or Child/​Children or oth­er per­sons or prop­er­ty caused by their Baby and/​or Child’s /Children’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Tat­ty Bump­kin Ltd online session. 
  • The Par­ent and/​or Car­er agrees that any claim made against Tat­ty Bump­kin, its Own­ers, Fran­chisees, and per­son­nel includ­ing its Teach­ers and its Sup­pli­ers, will be made in writ­ing with­in 30 days of the inci­dent tak­ing place and fail­ure to report in writ­ing with­in this time will negate any such claim.

Community Guidelines:

A. Pri­va­cy:

  • For online stream­ing ses­sions, Par­ent and/​or Car­ers should be aware that all par­tic­i­pants in the group can see each oth­er. Par­ent and/​or Car­ers can mute the sound or dis­able the video at any time. Par­ent and/​or Car­er must not pub­lish their per­son­al infor­ma­tion in a pub­lic com­mu­ni­ty. They should use direct mes­sag­ing when per­son­al infor­ma­tion must be shared.
  • Par­tic­i­pants in the online ses­sions must NOT for­ward, take screen­shots or record direct­ly from Tat­ty Bump­kin online com­mu­ni­ty and post them any­where with­out explic­it con­sent from the pub­lish­er of the orig­i­nal content.
  • Par­ent and/​or Car­ers must not share pri­vate con­ver­sa­tions between users that were had with the expec­ta­tion of remain­ing private.

B. Respect:

  • Threat­en­ing lan­guage, harass­ment, vio­lence, racism, bul­ly­ing, attacks on or intim­i­da­tion of any par­ty, includ­ing our com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers or staff; mali­cious speech regard­ing top­ics of sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, gen­der iden­ti­ty, age, eth­nic ori­gin or race, reli­gion, dis­abil­i­ty, size; sex­ist com­ments; or hate speech will not be tolerated.
  • Dis­crim­i­na­tion against peo­ple based on race, eth­nic ori­gin, reli­gion, dis­abil­i­ty, gen­der iden­ti­ty, age, vet­er­an sta­tus, sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, or any oth­er char­ac­ter­is­tics will not be tolerated.

In short, every­one par­tic­i­pat­ing in the online ses­sions needs to treat each oth­er respect­ful­ly. Tat­ty Bump­kin Ltd is a wel­com­ing com­mu­ni­ty where diver­si­ty is encour­aged and allowed to thrive.

C. Copy­right infringement: 

Par­ent and/​or Car­ers be respect­ful of the intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty of oth­ers and always give cred­it to authors and cre­ators when applicable. 


  • Tat­ty Bump­kin reserves the right to exclude a Par­ent and/​or Car­er and/​or Baby and/​or Child from a online Class per­ma­nent­ly, or for the time they feel nec­es­sary, due to behav­iour that is not deemed accept­able with­in a Class.

Privacy Policy

This state­ment is sub­ject to change at any time. The way we use any infor­ma­tion will be sub­ject to the pri­va­cy state­ment that is cur­rent when that infor­ma­tion is gath­ered. Please check this page reg­u­lar­ly to see any changes.

Collected Information

  1. Vis­i­tors to our site Vis­i­tors to our web site have their HTTP requests logged. This includes IP address, brows­er type and ver­sion, which pages were request­ed and where the request was referred from. All of this infor­ma­tion is col­lect­ed anony­mous­ly and is not linked to any per­son­al information.
  2. This log­ging may col­lect infor­ma­tion includ­ing but it not lim­it­ed to: date, time, ini­ti­at­ing user, com­mands exe­cut­ed, net­work traf­fic, IP address­es and ports used. Data col­lect­ed in this way will only be used to help diag­nose and fix secu­ri­ty or oth­er tech­ni­cal problems.

Data Retention

  1. Web access logs are destroyed after 30 days. Aggre­gat­ed web sta­tis­tics gen­er­at­ed from those logs may be retained indefinitely.
  2. Client soft­ware logs are destroyed after 30 days.
  3. Sup­port tick­ets and emails may be retained indef­i­nite­ly but we reserve the right to destroy them at any time after the sup­port request has been dealt with.

Use of Data

  1. Why we col­lect data We use the infor­ma­tion we col­lect from all of our ser­vices to pro­vide, main­tain, pro­tect and improve them, to devel­op new ones.
  2. Data Secu­ri­ty We employ indus­try stan­dard tech­niques to pro­tect against unau­tho­rised access of data that we store.

Accepting this privacy statement

By using this web­site you sig­ni­fy your accep­tance of this pri­va­cy state­ment and our terms and con­di­tions of use. If you do not agree, or are not com­fort­able with any pol­i­cy in this state­ment, or this pri­va­cy state­ment is not accept­ed in full, use of this web­site must be ter­mi­nat­ed immediately.