Yoga and Mindfulness for children

What we do

Chil­dren Inspired by Yoga & Mind­ful­ness ses­sions are all taught by expe­ri­enced pri­ma­ry school teach­ers who are qual­i­fied yoga instruc­tors. The ses­sions involve yoga, mind­ful­ness, breath­ing tech­niques, relax­ation and self-reg­u­la­tion activ­i­ties. The pro­gramme builds strength, flex­i­bil­i­ty and bal­ance of body and mind, whilst teach­ing essen­tial tools for emo­tion­al resilience and men­tal health.

Our core Rain­bow Pro­gramme is run in 6 or 7 week terms aligned with the aca­d­e­m­ic year. It is pro­gres­sive and adapt­ed to the children’s abil­i­ty and devel­op­men­tal lev­el. With­in each colour of the rain­bow we work on spe­cif­ic goals. The ses­sions are ful­ly inclu­sive and non-com­pet­i­tive. Each week, we fol­low Tat­ty Bump­kin on her excit­ing adven­tures, meet­ing new friends, solv­ing prob­lems and learn­ing new skills. With the younger chil­dren, we use sto­ry­telling, music and mul­ti-sen­so­ry activ­i­ties as well as yoga and mind­ful­ness. With the old­er chil­dren we focus on the pos­tures and their ben­e­fits, part­ner and team work as well as learn­ing tools to use both at home and in the class­room. We’ll focus on a dif­fer­ent pose of the week, mul­ti-sen­so­ry activ­i­ties and mind­ful­ness exer­cis­es to sup­port self-reg­u­la­tion, feel­ings of calm and relaxation. 

The online yoga programme

As well as the week­ly yoga and mind­ful­ness adven­tures, a week­ly breath­ing or mind­ful­ness video is avail­able and doc­u­ments to down­load which show the cur­ricu­lum links, pae­di­atric phys­io­ther­a­pist infor­ma­tion sheet for par­ents and a colour­ing sheet for chil­dren. There will be ses­sions avail­able for each age group (Ear­ly years, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two). Please ensure that you are access­ing the ses­sion which is devel­op­men­tal­ly appro­pri­ate with the child in your care.

Contact us

Email us at wharfedale@​tattybumpkin.​com

Or con­tact use via direct mes­sage via our social media pages.

We would love to see you prac­tis­ing at home, please share your pic­tures by tag­ging us on social media or email­ing to us directly!